For us, rock climbing is about developing your abilities and pushing yourself to improve. We have several group training squads for all ages to develop and grow your skills.
Click on these links to jump to the section you are interested in:
- Term 3, 2024 enrolments
- Rock-Rats (up to and including 9 years old)
- Geckos (between 10 to 17 years old)
- Mountain Goats (18+ years)
- Link Squad (selected)
- Rock Squad (elite, selected)
Need more detailed information about our programs than what this page provides? You can find our in-depth program information sheets and student codes of conduct here.
Enrolments for Term 3, 2024
Enrolments are now OPEN!!!
To enrol into squad programs for Term 3, 2024 use the link below and select appropriate class.
Rock Rats (up to and including 9 years old)
We offer a safe, fun and exciting environment for younger children to experience the thrills and spills of rock climbing. This squad is specifically for the little ones who are too young to belay for themselves.
We provide several qualified coaches to make sure they learn the basic skills needed for safe climbing. All the rope skills are provided by the coaches. We also teach movement techniques so the children have a better understanding of how their bodies move on the wall.
Our goals for this squad are to promote health and fitness, body awareness, and for the kids who are dedicated – a chance to join our other squads and progress to the elite level.
Rock Rats runs on a term basis, and the membership lasts through the school holidays. Our children’s programs are very popular, and we only have limited spaces. Please make sure you understand our refund policy before committing to the program.
Class times for Rock Rats
Geckos (10-17 years old)
The Gecko Squad is for beginner to intermediate climbers from 10 to 17 years old. Our aims are to teach correct technique, safe climbing practices, competition preparation, and build strength and endurance in a controlled environment.
This squad is based on a school term, allowing you the option to train once or twice a week for 10 weeks, with membership access still available in the school holidays. This squad feeds into the Link Squad (more on that below).
Our children’s programs are very popular, and we only have limited spaces. Please make sure you understand our refund policy before committing to the program.
Class times for Geckos
Mountain Goats (18+ years)
Are you looking to get into rock climbing in a regular, structured way with coaching from some of Canberra’s best? Have you outgrown our children’s programs, but you’re still keen to continue with climbing? Are you potentially interested in opportunities to compete on a local and even national level? Would you like to climb with a team of people who are just as passionate about climbing as you?
The Mountain Goats Squad is a coached climbing program for people 18+ years. You will train once a week and receive a full-access membership to both of our gyms for the duration of the term, so you can climb as much as you like outside of class, with full gear hire.
Our coaching staff have created a comprehensive program. Over the course of the term, you will learn progressively harder climbing techniques, you will build strength and endurance, learn useful workouts, climbing terminology, and different climbing styles, including top-rope, bouldering, lead, and competition-style rules. If you are interested in pursuing competitions, your coaches will support you and help you prepare.
Our coaches will be putting a lot of time, effort, and dedication into this program, and we ask that you give us the same in return. While we don’t expect you all to join the Australian Olympic Team, we do want you to understand that this is a 10-week program with training each week. Accidents, illnesses, and emergencies happen, but if you only plan on showing up haphazardly when you feel like it, this squad isn’t for you. If you would like a briefer introduction to the sport just to get started, we would recommend the Adult Beginner Course – a month-long program with four sessions. Please also understand that you will be part of a team – we expect you to be positive, respectful, and encouraging to your squad-mates.
Please make sure you understand our refund policy before committing to the program.
Class times for Mountain Goats
Link Squad (Youth, Selected)
The Link Squad members are climbers that train with both the Geckos and the Rock Squad.
Climbers in the Link squad have special timetables that include some training sessions with the Geckos and some with the Rock Squad.
The Link Squad is essential in the development of these climbers as it will ease them into the more intense training sessions of the Rock Squad.
Who gets invited to Link Squad is determined throughout the Gecko’s term by the coaches of the Gecko and the Rock Squads.
Rock Squad (Youth, Elite)
The Canberra Rock Squad is our elite level.
This Squad is for climbers who have mastered all of the basic techniques and are climbing at a higher standard. They are given the chance to refine techniques with one-on-one sessions and compete at a state, national, and international level.
Rock squad is just as much about attitude as it is about strength, technique, and fitness. We are looking for young athletes that are focused and prepared to train hard, learn, and still have fun.
Climbers who show exceptional dedication can then be introduced to outdoor rock climbing under the supervision of trained guides.